Hello beautiful humans.

Welcome to The Gaia Gazette!

The Gaia Gazette is Earth’s news platform for humanity, a voice for the voiceless. Whatever it is that brought you here, I want you to know, you are so much more than you realize. We are incredible, beautiful, and powerful beings and it is time to remember our magic within.

Two Fires was actually the 3rd book written, but the first to be illustrated and published. This is because it was inspired from a situation I went through where, due to fear and hate, people were contacting me to threaten my life. I chose to recognize that their reactions were based in their own history and wished them love. In a moment of anxiety, perspective changed reality, and thus The Gaia Gazette and Two Fires were born.

Society does not determine your worth. Your past does not determine your worth.

Spread LOVE in every form. We are all connected.

Together we can change the world.

Breakdown of our name:

Gaia: The Goddess and Maternal Energy that represents the Earth

Gazette: Another name for newspaper

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